Guild Of Sommeliers Wine Podcasts

Career Series: Packaging Design & Branding



This month on the GuildSomm podcast, we're hosting a special series focused on careers in the wine industry. We'll release one episode per week throughout the month of May, featuring interviews with wine professionals whose careers highlight lesser-known paths within the industry. In June, we'll get back to our regular monthly podcast, including the blind wine reveal from the "Unexpected Booze" episode. For our fourth and final episode in the series, GuildSomm Director of Strategic Partnerships Emily Nixon interviews Kevin Shaw, founder of Stranger & Stranger, a packaging design and branding company specializing in alcoholic beverages. They discuss the importance of design in making a wine or spirit stand out on a shelf, the jobs that contribute to the production of a label, and Kevin's vision for innovation in wine packaging. Toward the end of this podcast, they discuss Kevin's cameo in an episode of the BBC show "Britain's Really Disgusting Drinks." Watch the clip here.  To accompany the