Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Losing 150 Pounds with God's Help and Bright Line Eating



In today's Taste for Truth Podcast interview, Stacey shares how God helped her to lose 150 pounds through the renewing of her mind using Bright Line Eating boundaries. Bright Line Eating is a program where you give up addictive foods, such as sugar, and plan out what you're going to eat each day. One of the problems with programs like this is that we feel like life is boring because we can't have sugar. Towards the end of the podcast, Stacey shares how she deals with that issue, renewing her mind before she enters into situations where she might feel like she's missing out by not eating sugar.  Whether you follow Stacey's boundaries or not, you'll be able to learn from her experience as she goes to God for help with life.  Before and After Pictures Also wanted to share before and after pictures of Stacey's journey! Online Weight Loss Bible Studies Starting Up I also wanted to let everyone know that there are a couple of new online Bible studies starting up in September. You can find out about them here: http