Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

How to Overcome Failure Eating (or Failure Habiting) with Heidi Bylsma



You know those days when you break your weight loss boundaries and then eat everything in sight? Or you’re trying to break a habit and you have an evening of indulgence? It's hard to feel hopeful on those days. Yet here's the truth: God redeems failure! In today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, Heidi Bylsma and I discuss how God helps us on those failure days. We'll also talk about what you can do to get back on track after an evening of failure. We’ll gear the discussion toward weight loss, but the following tips can be applied to breaking any habit. Here are just a few of the tips we'll be talking about: Ask God, "Where did the derailment begin?" Look for patterns. Do you find yourself breaking your boundaries for the same reasons over and over again? Look for situations to avoid or ways to set things up differently for future success. Make a plan for the future based on why you failed today. Consider modifying your boundaries by keeping trigger foods out of the house. You can still eat these food