Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

7 Ways To Stop Eating At Night



Do you ever find yourself eating like crazy at night? I think we’ve all been in that place. In today’s podcast episode, we’ll talk about 7 ways to stop eating at night. Our strategy will vary depending on why we’re overeating. Here are 7 different reasons we can’t stop eating at night: 7 Reasons We Eat Too Much at Night  Boredom: Often we’ve had a busy day but evening comes and we find ourselves with nothing to do. In this situation, we think, “What can I do to make my life exciting?” And of course the easy answer is, “Eat!” Entitlement: Another reason we can't stop eating at night is entitlement. We’ve had a long hard day and feel like we deserve a reward. Or we’ve been super good at following our eating boundaries all day and feel like we deserve a reward. So what do we do? Eat! Hunger: Sometimes we’re just hungry. We haven’t taken the time to eat during the day—or more likely—we’ve purposely starved ourselves during the day in a zealous effort to lose weight. So nighttime comes and we’re hungry! This star