Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Ask Barb #4: Choosing and Changing Boundaries



Do you have a hard time deciding on weight loss boundaries? On today's ask Barb episode we have lots of questions about boundaries. We'll answer the following questions from readers: How do I choose the right plan/boundaries for me? When you (Barb) were losing weight, what were your boundaries? Was it Weight Watchers or hunger/fullness? Will our boundaries always be the same or do they change with certain seasons of life? How do we know if changing our boundaries is what God wants or if we're just justifying some behavior we want to do because it's hard to keep our current boundaries? What if in the hunger/fullness, you never get hungry? How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources we Talked About on This Podcast: Thin Within Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve