Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

18 - Renew: Entitlement Eating Questions and Bible Verses



Do you ever feel like you should be able to eat what you want when you want? Or do you ever think, "I'm fed up with these boundaries! I shouldn't have to live this way! I'm going to quit this old eating plan!!!"? If so, this podcast will help. First we'll talk about where entitlement comes from and two lies that feed into it. Then I'll give you an opportunity to renew your mind with the Entitlement Eating  questions and Bible verses from I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat).  How to Sign Up for Victory or Coaching Interviews: Also, if you'd be willing to consider coming on the podcast as a guest interview, sign up for an appointment at this link: Sign-up for Interviews. I do the interviews by Skype, which is a free program that's easy to add to your computer. When you click on the sign-up to do an interview, you'll find out what my Skype address is so that you can request me as a contact and be ready for the interview. You'll need WIFI to do the interview. I hope many of you sign up as it wil