Generation Balme

Ep 9 - Greg Baum on Ethics and the line in sport



Where is the line in professional (and for that matter, amateur) sport? Does it really exist? Has it ever really existed? Humanity has a funny way of regulating things, which we found out in the steamy test cricket series between Australia and South Africa. It raised so many questions about how we view sport and how important it is to us. With that being said, Neil and I thought it was time to introduce one of Australia's most acclaimed and respected sportswriters, Greg BAUM, to the Generation BALME war room - is he really just a Balme in disguise? We speak about the weird, wonderful and wacky world of sport in Australia and abroad, including plenty on test cricket, but we also look into the 'reality TV' obsession, American politics, ethics and morality in sport and many, many other topics in this fascinating chat.