Orchard Hill Church

Set Free For What? - Dave Bartlett



Freedom … … from sin, guilt, fear, death. … from an eternity without God. … that brings deep peace to our souls. This is what Jesus came to bring to the world. This is what Jesus came to bring you. This is the essence of the Good News. And yet, we get confused... ...We get confused about what this freedom looks like and we get confused about whether this freedom is too dangerous or too wild for us. And very often, we end up adding rules, laws and regulations to the Gospel to make it tame, realistic, and more believable. But Jesus is very clear when he says, “If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed! (John 8:36) Join us for our fall teaching series called “Set Free” as we explore the amazing freedom that Christ came to bring. We will explore the many ways we try to limit that freedom and actually risk denying God’s free offer of grace, without even knowing we are doing it. We will also learn the amazing purpose behind the life-changing freedom of the Gospel. This series will explore biblical