Orchard Hill Church

Bible Blockbusters: Ruth—An Old Fashioned Love Story - Doug Tensen



The story of Naomi & Ruth is a wonderful story of love. It talks about how the love and kindness of one person becomes contagious and changes the lives of many. It actually changes the lives of everyone, because it leads to birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. This story is an example of how, when love is shared an atmosphere is created in which miracles can occur and God can create good and wonderful things. It’s also a story about God’s love and how he is always present and at work in the lives of his people, whether we recognize it or not. When your heart is filled with love for others, and when that love is expressed, wonderful and miraculous things can happen. Lives can be changed, including our own. There is no better way that God can work in our world today than through the love that we express for those people around us. And don’t forget about God’s love. I believe that God is always there, in every situation, expressing his care and love for his people, for you. He did so hundreds of years ago