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Trump against the World at the G7 Summit



It wouldn’t be an international convening if President Trump didn’t make himself the center of the attention. Over the weekend, French President Emmanuel Macron hosted the G7 Summit with leaders from the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Italy, and Japan, along President Trump, in attendance in Biarritz, France. From skipping a meeting on climate change – the White House described it as a “niche” issue – to advocating for bringing Russia back into what would be the G8, the Trump wasn’t short on causing controversy. Just prior to leaving for the foreign trip, he had spooked the markets once more by tweeting attacks toward Chinese President Xi Jinping, who had announced new tariffs on American goods at the end of the week. Because of the president’s repeated decision to go it alone on the world stage, Ed and Daniella revisit their conversation with former Ambassador Wendy Sherman, who was the lead negotiator for the US with Iran during talks about their nuclear program. Last fall, she shared her insights on Amer