Mold Firm

Do Air Purifiers Eliminate Mold? | What Do The Filter Ratings Mean For Mold Spores? | Mold Firm



Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Well the best thing is a good filter in the HVAC system. They have ratings on filters that can describe how small of a particulate it can capture and including mold spores, because mold spores are basically a particulate. A filter with the equivalent of a MERV8 rating will capture a particulate down as small as 3 microns. Now, most mold spores are 3 microns or higher, aspergillus, penicillium for instance are in the 3.3 micron range, stachybotrys is around 5 microns. So if you have at least a MERV8 filter in your furnace, you're going to be reducing the amount of mold spores that are in the air. It's not going to eliminate them, but it'll be healthier. If you're looking for the background particulate due to the deterioration of the indoor environment, ther