Mold Firm

What Does Air Allergen Provide in the Environmental Report? | Georgia Mold Attorney



Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. We not only provide the report from the laboratory. And a lot of inspectors will just provide that report, and they enhance it, they call it their expanded report and they'll put some colored graphs in there and that kind of thing. But they honestly in many cases don't fully explain where it might be coming from. And, if they do say where it's coming from, they don't necessarily say what to do about it to take care of it. And, presuming that everyone is operating honestly and professionally and all that kind of thing, in trying to deal with these things, we find a lot of times when we do clearance test these things after work had been done that they have not passed. And almost every single time when that happens we say, “Well, did you take this step tha