Empowerment Radio Show

Mara Aalipour, Master Branding Coach of Smart Shot Media Agency



Imagine how fun your business could be when you have your ideal clientele. Whey come to you instead of you chasing them… Poor branding is standing between you and your ideal clientele. Not differentiating yourself from the competition drowns you in the sea of sameness. It wears you off because your ideal clients cannot find you and if they do, they don’t know why they should choose you. Therefore, what you get are penny-pinching clients, long hours of work and not being able to charge your true worth. Let me help you to put an end to this frustration and empower you to: Craft your authentic story Have a clear message for the right audience Have an action plan for building your brand: know where to start and what to do after Know how to use visual tools to build trust Become an authority without draining your marketing budget Stand out from your competition So that you can, Allocate your resources effectively Fill your sales pipeline easily Get the clientele you dream of. My team and I have been helping