Empowerment Radio Show

Meet Tony Hornick, Proprietor of Sprout Growers



Tony's true Story about Sprouts IT'S COZY AND WARM IN A JAR FOR SPROUTING SEEDS TO GROW QUICKLY. IT'S ALSO COZY AND WARM FOR MOLD AND BAD BACTERIA TO GROW INSIDE ANY SEED OR BEAN THAT IS THERE. AND ONCE INSIDE THAT BEAN ITS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO REMOVE. BEWARE OF THE JAR AND MANY OTHER SYSTEMS. IT CAN POISON YOU. I WAS. REPEATED WASHINGS DOES NOT REMOVE IT. IT'S ALREADY EMBEDDED. ------------------------------------------------------ For most of my life I have always told myself, and the public, how good it was to eat GREEN food. That is, ALL edible green food. This is especially so of what the public calls "Sprouts". The word "sprouts" has been widely misused. 99% of people believe those small 1 inch to 3 inch green stems coming out of the ground are the sprouts. But they are not sprouts. They are the plants. They are full of nutrients that are important to the human body to stay healthy along with ALL the other green plants available from our gardens. But they are still the plant. Which are less valuable