Empowerment Radio Show

Meet Balbir Pabila, Entrepreneur of LegalSheild



My life began in India, then as a child we moved to a little town in England, UK, where I learnt values that are still with me today. That’s where I got the love for sewing, cooking, gardening and I still do it today! My IT career started accidentally (I thought I wanted to be an accountant!). I found myself spending more and more time in the computer laboratory, and yes, that’s where we had to go to access any computing power before personal computers became a household item. My first job working in a software house, a male-dominated industry back then, was a bit scary. I was the first woman in that company’s software department and those early years were my foundation to logic, quality, integrity, teamwork and doing the right thing. Fast forward a few years, and I arrived in Ontario with a husband and 2 small children. After a few years, I started working in IT again when my youngest started asking too many “why” questions and I enrolled her in Montessori school. I needed help from the experts for this one