Empowerment Radio Show

Meet Mat (Songsbury) Teofilo, Artist & Producer of Songsbury Studios



An award winning singer, pianist, songwriter, and composer, Songsbury has been blessed with being able to work with some of the greats in the music industry (Madonna, Miley Cyrus, Diplo). As an artist who is constantly growing and looking ahead, Songsbury is already creating and shaping the sound of tomorrow with his soulful blend of his diverse musical tastes and experiences. Every performance brings audiences on a journey that is unlike any other; connecting on a level that is beyond mere entertainment. To fully understand the artist, all one needs to do is experience the art. Everything you want to know is sung out in every lyric and played out in every melody. Reading a biography will only scratch the surface of who Songsbury is, and as all biographies are, they are simply a snapshot of an earlier time. They do not determine what is to come. That being said, please accept the invitation Songsbury has put forth: “Leave my history in the past where it belongs, and instead, be a part of my future.” Songsbury