Biotechnology Focus Podcast

073 | Digitalizing clinical trials, dangerous vaccines and hope for HIV



Happy 2018 from Biotechnology Focus! Ahead on today’s episode are some of the headlines that are shaking things up in the new year.   Sanofi launches digital clinical trials for increased probability of participation  A repurposed drug could be the key to successful stem cell transplants  Experts advise caution of the use of Sanofi’s dengue vaccine as new warnings are added to the label  Virus vs. Virus – could Maraba knock out HIV?  Welcome to another episode of Biotechnology Focus radio. I am your host, Michelle Currie, here to give you a run-down of the top stories of Canada’s biotech scene.  +++++  First up this week, Sanofi launches a digital way to partake in clinical trials – to make participation more widely available and lower the duration of the trial itself. Clinical trials are a crucial step to putting the potentially life-saving medication on to shelves. However, due to the specifics required for each participant and their proximity to a research centre, 80 per cent of clinical tri