Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Episode 13: How Weight Loss Coach, Nichole Kellerman Wurth, Made Friends with Her Body, Got Happy and is Building a Rocking Business using YouTube as a Result



Nicole Kellerman Wurth was so unhappy with her body that she became a fitness trainer, got a breast job and become obsessive about tracking everything that went in her mouth. And she still wasn’t happy.   Until she met a guy who showed her how to start enjoying life. And everything changed for her. Today, her business, Wildly Alive Weight Loss, is for women who want to stop dieting, re-frame their minds so they can reshape their bodies. In this episode she shares her different approach to weight loss, plus the YouTube strategy that is skyrocketing her profits.  Connect with Nichole:  Wesite:  Facebook:  YouTube:   For resources listed on this episode visit our resource page at: