Dusty Futon

Lions Against Men - Dusty Futon Musicians Podcast



Lions Against Men is a concept similar to a supergroup of San Diego artists. Jeff, Noah, Aaron and “Steve” show up…however, nobody knows Steve so he gets kicked out immediately…to talk about their unique project. Their real drummer, Carlos, wasn’t able to make it, so in true Dusty Futon style; we talked some shit about him. The three members who made it are the three “lead singers” in the group. They all bring three unique styles with them, as well as having multi-instrumental backgrounds, so they all write their own songs that represent their separate musical backgrounds. This style led to Lions Against Men’s first EP. The 5-song digital album “Yesterday & Tomorrow” features six tracks by the band and an be found nearly anywhere (for now). The band already sold their music and will be producing a new sound in 2019. Check out their Facebook page for the updates. We play three of the tracks from this EP and enjoy chatting about the music scene. With stories from Cory, rants by Big Jon, and wisdom from Dirt