Risen Motherhood

Fear 02: The Examination



Have you ever wondered why we experience fear in the first place? In this episode, we’re going back to our roots!  Laura and Emily examine fear through the gospel lens—creation, fall, redemption, consummation—reminding us that our fears have an explanation. It hasn’t always been this way, and because of Christ, it won’t be this way forever! If you’re new here or been with us since the beginning, we hope you’ll be encouraged to see your fears in light of the greatest story—God’s story.  Note: We know that “fear” covers a wide variety of issues—some so lighthearted that we can easily brush them off, and some so disturbing that we can barely utter them to our closest friend. This series is aimed at the most common fears in motherhood—the things that cross our minds and motivate our daily actions. But due to the limitations of our knowledge and the brevity of a 7-episode series we don’t aim to address life’s most complex and sober terrors. Please keep in mind that some instances and experiences of fear may requir