Dudes From Dallas

Episode 28 - D*ckish Employer Behavior



Humpday means it’s Dudes day for you. Today the Dudes are talking about a new proposed Hyperloop system that could make travel times much shorter and more convenient.  A system should be up and running within seven years, Michael Morris, director of transportation for the North Central Texas Council of Governments, told the Dallas Business Journal in an interview.  The Dudes are all for it, so long at the NTTA stays the hell away from it. Nick Vicious struggles and checks his moral compass in Rob Rotten after reading a 19-year-old father in Arkansas smothered his infant child before trying to revive her by shocking her with a live extension cord.  Should we feel bad for the young father?  Did he have an adequate support system around him to help raise his child?  The Dudes tackle America’s “Labor Shortage Epidemic”, which is not what you think it is.  Employers are willing to do anything to fill jobs, except pay people more.  The Dudes talk about the toxicity of the job market and how people are not going to