The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Earning Freedom by Michael G. Santos | Episode 222



In this episode Michael Santos takes a deep dive into his book, Earning Freedom, where he shares his incredible journey from a 25 year prison inmate to super successful business man.In his book Santos discusses the day he was arrested to the day he left prison and highlights the lessons he learned along the way that allowed him to build his bank account to $100,000 behind bars. The goal of the book is to help you build yourself upon the influences Michael Santos embarked upon, find your inner motivation to start increasing your value, and learn how to use your resources effectively.This book is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs who have a desire to become very successful in a niche but lack the motivation or inspiration to start making moves towards a goal.About Michael Santos:“I made some really bad decisions as a young man when I was 22 years old. I saw the movie Scar Face and thought that that would be a fun way to live. I moved to Miami began trafficking and using cocaine and for the next eighteen months