The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Work Smarter by Nick Loper | Episode 031



In this episode Nick Loper shares his book Work Smarter which provides entrepreneurs with over 350 online resources to increase productivity. This book is perfect for the entrepreneur in need of the best project management tools to help achieve goals faster and truly work smarter. The best part about the book is that these recommended tools come from over 500 successful people that use them today.About Nick Loper:“I am the chief side hustler at where I get to experiment with a bunch of different part-time business opportunities trying to make money outside of your traditional 9-5 job and I help other people do the same. I have been running that for a little over a year, it’s been an absolute blast and so if you’re interested in trying to develop some job-free income streams of your own, come on over and join me.The inspiration for me is the joy of discovery, that new tool that’s going to help you save even just five minutes a day.” – Nick LoperFor a detailed summary of Work Smarter accord