The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Go For No! by Andrea Waltz | Episode 028



In this episode Andrea Waltz gives you a sneak peek into Go For No. In her book, Waltz teaches you that by just focusing on yes you leave a lot of opportunity on the table because we assume different things about what people are going to say, buy or order. This book is perfect for entrepreneurs who learn new sales tactics through real-life or fictional and entertaining stories.About Andrea Waltz:“I am the co-owner of Courage Crafters, Inc. and co-author of the bestselling book Go for No!. Richard and I author the book together and also are husband and wife. We live in Orlando with our crazy cat named Courage and we have been entrepreneurs for a little over 15 years. We love every bit of it, have learned a lot along the way and are excited for our future endeavors.It was centered around a story that actually happened to Richard, kind of the signature Go for No story. And when we would do an eighth hour training or workshop, it was the singular topic that people loved, they love the idea, the philosophy, the co