The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

The Entrepreneur Mind by Kevin Johnson | Episode 025



In this episode Kevin D Johnson shares his book The Entrepreneur Mind. This book is perfect for the entrepreneur who needs tips on business strategy, finance, marketing, and sales. The Entrepreneur Mind is written in the format compared to a blog and can be read in an easy, non-technical way by using creative stories that entertain and teach at the same time.About Kevin Johnson:“I am the CEO of Johnson Media Inc. a marketing and communication firm that has been around for about 14 years now. We serve primarily organizations and fortune 500 companies in the financial services space. We are based in Atlanta and a rather small team with big clients.In March of 2012 I started a business blog that discussed various ways that successful entrepreneurs think and the blog became pretty popular to readers all around the world. Before long I was really encouraged by some of my readers to write this book because it quickly, because of the response before, became a bestseller. I wanted to provide a comprehensive body of w