The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson

Lean Customer Development by Cindy Alvarez | Episode 006



Lean Customer Development shows you why you need customer development and its set to arm you with the facts you need to overcome the initial resistance that you might get from your organization. Cindy Alvarez teaches you that customers don’t always know what they want but they can’t hide what they need. Her book provides you with the real questions you need to be asking customers in order to figure out their problems and needs.About Cindy Alvarez:“I have been working at startups for the past 15 years and a couple years ago the startup I was at was acquired by Microsoft so now I also have some experience working within an extremely large company. In working with those companies of all sizes I saw that people were struggling to talk to their customers so figured I should write a book about it. I have written the book Lean Customer Development to give companies of all sizes a practical guide to get people talking to customers and challenging their ideas.Companies know that they should be forming hypothesis and