Movie B.s. With Bayer And Snider

Episode 36: 'Black Swan,' Interquel



Jeff Bayer and Eric D. Snider have no movies to talk about this week. What ever shall they do? Well, even though “Black Swan” isn’t out in Portland yet, they’re reviewing (and loving) it. It stars Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis and is in major cities in limited release. “The Warrior’s Way” didn’t have an advance screening, but and will eventually have reviews up. With all this extra time, Bayer and Snider record a much-needed promo, they also play Interquel and answer the QOTW. More important than all of that, they insist you vote for Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider on You can vote once every 24 hours. Make it so. Next week’s QOTW is “What movie location (real or fictional) would you most like to visit and what would you do there?”