Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Thomas Sweterlitsch Author of Science Fiction Thriller The Gone World Episode 109



#109 Author Thomas Sweterlitsch -The Gone World Pittsburgh author Thomas Sweterlitsch has been a guest on my show previously to talk about his book Tomorrow and Tomorrow, a post apocalyptic novel based in Pittsburgh. When I first read that book, I knew I loved the way Thomas's mind worked. It was a twisted, nostalgic, murder mystery, thriller, that plunged me deep into the world of science fiction. A place I often love to go. I grew up reading certain authors I probably wasn't supposed to be reading around 9 years old. A combination of Zebra romance novels that were hidden under my sister's bed, R L Stine, Stephen King, and Mary Higgin Clark rounded out my reading material. My character as it stands today is flawless based on these influences. :P Science Fiction I grew to love slowly. At first not quite knowing what defined the genre, but then realizing I was already entranced with it through multiple books. It is for this reason, I could not wait to get my hands on The Gone World. A book that stays with you