3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Bookmark: SXSW 2019 - Building Trust in Distrustful Times



3 Books is published on the lunar calendar. I share one new chapter of the show on the exact minute of every single full moon and every single new moon all the way up to September 1, 2031 at 5:52am. But today … I don’t have a chapter for you. I have a bookmark. On every single equinox and every single solstice I will drop a little extra of some kind … a seasonal intermezzo if you will. The first bookmark was with Nora McInerny, host of Terrible, Thanks for Asking, back on the March equinox. And now it’s the June solstice and I’m sharing my SXSW 2019 speech “Building trust in distrustful times” Why am I sharing this speech? Well you know what’s one thing I have missed during the pandemic? Giant rooms full of throngs of people. Cheering together, laughing together, learning together. There is an electric energy buzz that cannot be replicated virtually. So let’s head down to the Austin Convention Center to a ballroom with over 2500 people filling every chair and standing at the sides and at the back and talk abo