5 Minute Mojo

010: Don't fight Change, it Forces You To Grow



The times of comfort may feel nice and snuggly but they don't help you become better.  Today's topic and question help you realize that. Hello my friends and welcome to Five Minute Mojo. When do you grow? That’s not one of the questions I pose at the end of an episode. I just want you to think about it. If you are like most people you grow when you are forced to. Not physically of course, but emotionally. That is the main reason coaches, personal development people and leaders constantly talk about being outside the comfort zone. They all realize that you don’t grow when you are complacent, stagnant. Think about it. When was the last time you were at your job and everything was going great. Your boss was pleased with your work, you seemed to be getting things done without a ton of distractions or drama. During that peaceful day did you just stop and say, “Yeah, this isn’t working for me. I think I need to change things up.” and with that epiphany you walk into your bosses office and calmly announce that you q