5 Minute Mojo

002: Following Will Never Lead You to a Fulfilling Life



When you add your energy to a group or cause does it make you stronger or weaker?  That is just one thing to think about today as I talk about leading and following.   Hello my friends and welcome to Five Minute Mojo.  The word community has a profound meaning for me.  It means the coming together of different people from all different backgrounds to create a oneness that thrives, that encompasses the very nature of life, to live, grow and love.    However there is also a coming together that may not be as growth oriented as the community I think of.  What I am talking about specifically is a group of followers.     In the distant past we found security in the group.  We depended on it for our survival. That need for security got instilled in our psyche and amazingly it has become part of our genetics.  Today we carry some of the same thoughts that our cave dwelling ancestors believed. Specifically, that to belong to the group is important.  Like many thoughts this can either work in our favor or work against