Pole Parlour Pole Dance Podcast

Marion Crampe



This week on the podcast, we international pole artist, Marion Crampe! On this episode, we talk about how Marion dreamt of being being a professional dancer as a child, and how she made this a reality, despite the skepticism of others; how she works collaboratively as a dancer, model, and muse to create art; the inspiration behind her Eye Contact experiment at Pole Expo; and she shares her advice on how to be successful, and happy, as professional pole traveler. Check out Marion’s post podcast blog interview here: http://www.poleparlour.com/blog/2017/7/5/post-podcast-interview-marion-crampe ++++++ Show Notes: Marion’s Social Media Website: http://marioncrampe.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarionCrampe.Poledancer/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marioncrampe/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CrampeMarion Theater Photoshoot: https://www.facebook.com/MarionCrampe.Poledancer/photos/a.1524442000913272.1073741860.201049163252569/1555658191124986/?type=3&theater “The Liberators” Eye Con