Lab Talk With Laura

Ep. 29 - Sanket, Sam, Robin, and Taylor



On this episode I'm joined by leadership from the UMass chapter of oSTEM (Out in Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math). Undergrads Sam Marsden (current oSTEM President) and Robin Zollner (co-founder of UMass oSTEM) and PhD student Sanket Sabnis (Graduate Liaison to oSTEM)explain why it's important to have representation of queer identities in science. They also explain their research in chemical engineering: Janus particles that are engineered to have two distinct properties in one particle, polymer solutions that might be able to prevent vaccines from breaking down without refrigeration, and zeolite nano-sheets that can be used to separate hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Comedian Taylor Ortiz of the sketch comedy group Felt Waffle joins as co-host.