Me Vs Me Podcast

35: How to Deal with Betrayal



When those whom we love so dearly and trust completely betray us, the feeling is like a stab at the heart that leaves us feeling unsafe, demoralizing, uncertain, and alone. This feels like you lose someone completely and makes us more vulnerable physically as well as emotionally. I recently had to deal with some betrayal, I trusted someone that I have called friends for a couple of years, he wasn’t a super close friend but I never thought I would hear some of these words out of his mouth, basically, he was bad mouthing me behind my back and I have found out about it and confronted him. He is only sorry that he got caught but not necessary for what he has said about me. Of course, I was hurt but I wasn’t about to let him get the satisfaction of knowing that I was hurt by this. Anyway. I did not forgive him, I had to let him go! Without trust you have nothing so I couldn’t lie to myself and continue our friendship together.