Me Vs Me Podcast

31: My 5 Day Fasting Experience | Benefits of Fasting



So, last week I did a 5-day fasting, it was originally going to be 7 days but traveling and family gathering I decided to do a 5-day fasting instead. Long story short, that it was not bad at all, second day was the worse and then after that day 3 on it feels amazing. The feeling like many described as euphoric and it is true, it feels like something you have never felt before if you have never fasted before. I did it from Monday to Friday since I was busy with projects and work I was able to do it without any problems, keeping yourself busy was the key. Now I wasn’t doing a strict water fast, I did have some heavy cream in my coffee and some bone broth after workout to replenish some of my electrolytes. I also take calcium supplement along with a multivitamin throughout this fast. I’ve checked my blood ketone it was around 4.4mml so I was in super deep ketosis. I was still doing my trisets/super sets workout along with my HIIT with ease. I didn’t feel any fatigue it was probably one of my best workouts. Now p