Martin Lindeskog

I Am Being Tested



I am going through a tough period right now, but I am seeing great opportunities for the this new year. I will not really kick-it off, until the Asian new year, thinking about the Metal Ox. I will come back to my 3+ words for this year, in the near future. My main focus is to finish the work with my ”last,” site, and launch as soon possible. For the record: the name Tea Party Media is not associated with a political party or the modern tea party movement in any form, shape or manner. That said, I will continue to publish posts and episodes on politics and the tea party movement. I will also talk about what happened at the Boston Tea Party in 1773. In this day and age, it is more than ever an important issue to understand the history, and learn from it, don’t you think? As podcaster, I have become a beta tester for a service, so you will see more ”note from the editor” (i.e., yours truly), in the near future. I will also test out new podcasting tools, now and then. And you will hear me talking about the so ca