Girls Chase Podcast

23: Gunwitch | The Basics of Seduction MMA



Gunwitch has been in the PUA community and a teacher since the days of MASF, The Game, Mystery, and Neil Strauss. His method, dubbed “Gunwitch Method,” is incredibly powerful, centered around the use of body-states to attract and arouse women. Today, we’re going to cover the basics of Gunwitch’s Seduction MMA – how to use sub-communication with sexual arousal, emotional stimulation, and social frames to make girls work for you and chase after you. HIGHLIGHTS 0:00 – Introduction to Gunwitch and Seduction MMA, and how he started on MASF. 02:40 – Early Gunwitch method and the importance of projecting a sexual state with women. 04:40 – Why sub-communicating that you’re a cool guy is more effective than verbals in game. 06:20 – How the amygdala is reversed in women, and why this makes women value a man’s behavior more than his looks. 08:00 – How ovulation and biological cycles affect female behavior. 09:20 – The three keys of Seduction MMA post hook: social frame, emotional stimulation, sexual arousal. 11