Girls Chase Podcast

22: Franco Lombardi | Learning Pickup Takes Discipline, Part 2



I’m pleased to announce Part 2 of my interview with Franco Lombardi on the importance of Discipline. Discipline is more of a mindset approach to dating as opposed to having an uncontrolled environment. • 00:20 – A quick review of Part 1 • 01:41 – How to strategize what methods to keep and what to stop using, and why the #1 goal of every guy is to find a system that works to get laid, then focus on improving different parts • 03:12 – If you know A, keep A. Don’t change A if it works, but start solving for other variables until you’re getting laid. Online dating is a great testing ground for variables • 04:55 – Location as its own variable – how to play with dating apps • 06:40 – Why beginners and virgins should set small goals to start. Approach and A: open a girl with the Goal of B: a conversation. Then once A is complete, move to B. Then once B is complete, go to C: get her number • 08:30 – How building a disciplined system is like building a custom ladder where every rung is a specific process • 09:35 – Co