Girls Chase Podcast

Date Coach Series: Cody Lyans



How do you meet girls when you are the quiet, introverted guy? Well, the good news is, quiet guys have a lot of power to do very well with women, once they can get over that initial 'shyness' hump. In this podcast, you'll discover how veteran Girls Chase coach Cody Lyans went from quiet guy rejected by girls... to stud seducer who pulls women off dance floors and makes girls hang on his every word and beg to know him better. Along the way, Cody shares some of his powerful girl-getting technology, and gives you a peek at what you can expect to learn if you sign up for his paradigm-shifting 12-week coaching course. In this podcast you'll learn: ▪ On living places where it's tough to meet girls (01:18) ▪ How quiet of a guy is Cody Lyans? (02:23) ▪ The sexual element of Cody's quiet guy game (03:33) ▪ How Cody got his start in dating (03:47) ▪ Why Cody first started coaching guys on dating (18:40) ▪ What a 'base vibe' is and how this gets you past women's barriers (22:47) ▪ The thing most guys g