Girls Chase Podcast

19: Daka Guy | Sexual Authenticity



Daka Guy shows you how to drop the repression of social conditioning and get in touch with your true, authentic sexual and romantic desires. Highlights include: • How Daka Guy got his start in sexuality exploration (04:52) • The new “happily ever after”: beautiful outcomes even with breakups (07:19) • Was Daka Guy’s harmony with women something he was born with? (11:04) • The “unraveling process” people go through as they discover themselves (12:30) • Why is it so hard to facilitate a mind-blowing relationship with a partner? (14:04) • Total honesty with a partner, and the “I can’t share this with my partner” problem (15:19) • The difference between an honest, intimate conversation, and trying to impress (18:28) • Physical vs. spiritual ways to approach sexuality (21:03) • What you say you want in a mate versus what you actually desire in a mate (24:54) • On not getting stuck in relationships you’re unhappy with (35:21) • How tantra fits into identifying your true desire (36:46) • What does an a