Girls Chase Podcast

16: Alek Rolstad | Turn Her on in the Club



Alek details a number of explosive, powerful techniques for turning girls on in nightclubs. In addition, he talks about how to overcome “wild cards” that pop up at random while you talk to girls… Plus how to deal with friends and other men who decide to intervene. Also covered: pulling girls to the bathroom, and how to get her so excited about you she crosses the “Point of No Return.” • Alek describes a seduction from the weekend before the podcast (03:55) • Alek’s “We’ve become too scientific about sex” bit (08:00) • The critical decision of “which girl do you go for?” (12:36) • How do you time and pace an interaction with a girl? (15:29) • “Social Touch” and strategic touching: when and how to use touch (18:25) • How to maintain control of the interaction and stay in the lead (21:03) • Chopin’s “Universal Answer” to women’s tests (22:33) • Why would anyone bother with the complexity of night game? (23:03) • 3 mindsets to have in mind when you go out at night (27:44) • The “Party Vibe” and why to