Girls Chase Podcast

15: David Tian | Inner Game



Dr. David Tian shows you how to unlock powerful inner game using the Dao state and his new program Invincible. Channel charisma, sexiness, and complete unshakeable confidence. * How David got into the dating and social sciences (02:30) * What causes women to lose respect for you in a relationship (15:03) * Which should you focus on first: mindsets or tactics? (16:25) * Things men do that stop them from being their most natural/attractive selves (17:14) * Can any guy reach this natural, attractive state? (20:40) * How men used to pick up girls historically (23:21) * What is the Dao State? (24:48) * The Dao State of Power: how to enable yourself to do well socially (28:38) * A few things that all girls everywhere want in a man (30:58) * A word that starts with “P” that levels your game up dramatically (32:17) * “Leading through emotions”, a principle you can use to make girls chase after you (38:10) * An example of leading for introverts David learned from a weir