Girls Chase Podcast

9: William Gupta | Interracial Dating



Girls Chase author William Gupta talks race and dating with Varoon Raja. Namely, how big a role does race play, what are the stumbling blocks different racial minorities run into, and how can men of minority backgrounds succeed with all types of women? Selected topics of conversation… • Interracial dating in places where this is common vs. place where it’s not (3:56) • William’s thoughts on ‘race as a sticking point’ (5:12) • William’s own journey improving with women (8:07) • Did the media or experiences in different cities impact William? (9:21) • Why online dating is difficult for interracial dating (11:14) • Men who idealize/fantasize about certain kinds of girls only (12:26) • Why men use excuses interacting with girls of other races (14:21) • How does victim mentality show up and what are the ramifications (15:12) • Race-related self-fulfilling prophecies (16:20) • Why Indian men so often suck with women (16:50) • How brown men often put advanced game before fundamentals (18:16) • Getting caught in hy