Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Self Made: Confession 30



Stage 3, creating amazing products, is where real estate becomes a full-blown business and therefore, you become a true entrepreneur. If you’ve made it this far, then your chances of taking more money home increase exponentially. When you invest your time on training and improving your skills, the rewards awaiting you are huge.  In real estate, Stage 3 is all about flipping houses, which involves big money, but also big risk. When house flippers fail, it’s likely that they weren’t properly prepared for the game. There are deals that can be profitable but are not safe to invest in, and there are deals that are safe to invest in but aren’t profitable. Never get those mixed! “If you build your skills properly, you will have lead flow coming in the door from your marketing skills and you will also have profitable deals coming in the door from your negotiating skills.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in