Eddie Fabin

What Do You See in 2016? - Prophetic Turning Point (Spread-It-Before-The-Lord & Feet Anointing) Service, 17.12.2015



Praise The Lord beloved brethren! What a year it has been for the Prophetic Turning Point Service. We crowned the year with a Spread-It-Before-The Lord and a Feet Anointing service to prepare ourselves for the coming year. Please find some oil and anoint your feet as I speak forth the blessings of the anointed feet I released at the last Turning point service of the year over you and your families!: According to Deut. 33:24 as your feet are dipped in oil, may you not lack children both spiritual and biological! May your shoes be as iron and brass! As your days in 2016 so shall your strength be in Jesus name! According to Eph. 4:1, Col. 1:9-11, walk worthy of your calling pleasing the Lord! Be filled with the knowledge God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding in the coming year! According Ps 37:23, may your steps be ordered by the Lord in 2016! May you be at the right place and meet the right people at the right time! According to Is 52:7, you  shall carry the good news of the gospel everywhe