Your First Thousand Clients With Mitch Russo

Steve Harrison On the Value of an Idea



After years of selling door to door, Steve Harrison partnered with his brother, Bill, to found Bradley Communications after he discovered how to help over 12,000 people bring their books to market. Steve’s Quantum Leap mentors people through the publishing process and in addition to pairs them with media outlets such as MSNBC, CNN, FOX, and other major networks. Steve also runs the yearly National Publicity Summit where hundreds of press people come to hear about what his clients are working on.In this episode, we will be discussing: Steve Harrison’s summer job in college transforming into today’s careerThe necessity of failure for successUtilizing schedule and order to maintain a winning streakDetaching from outcome to approach situations with confidenceSteve’s big move after five years of selling door to doorWriting marketing materials for othersMarketing the person rather than the productTransforming from individual to brandAssessing why people don’t buyOwning your area of expertise and sharing what y