My Rescue Rocks With Rebekah Nemethy

Q&U: Spooky… but True, A Halloween Special



Get all the spooky stuff we talked about right here: Happy Halloween!! Well if you’re listening to this on the day it goes out that is, if not well you’re about to regress a little bit, because this is a Halloween special and things are about to get spooky. Back when Britany and I were making plans to do these Q&U shows together I sent her a list of possible questions I wanted to send out to you and when she told me that her favorite question was the same as mine, I got so excited, because it was my favorite question too! We wanted to know if your pets have ever done anything to make you believe in their 6th sense. We got a few intriguing answers, too. Animals are so amazing… The other thing that made me giddy about this episode, is that Britany spent some time as a paranormal investigator, so we dig into a bunch of her creepy and strange experiences with the supernatural, as well as a couple of ghost stories of my own… Some spooky stuff has been going on in our new house… So,