Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 58: Using Failure to Breed Success



Jessica Olbin loves chaos and figuring out how to put the pieces together to create something great. This personality trait, along with her vast knowledge, experience and confidence put her on an entrepreneurial path towards success. In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders, Jessica shares her story and loads of actionable advice. Finding Her Purpose Jessica’s journey did not start out with entrepreneurial aspirations. “I was in corporate America for a good 15 years. I was a general manager, managing employees, business, multimillion-dollar businesses, and I hated my life. It was ridiculous, and I couldn’t be me. I had to be someone else, and that was okay. I was successful,” Jessica explains. After the birth of her daughter, Jessica took the opportunity to make her exit and became a stay-at-home mom. About six months into her new normal, she realized something was missing from her life. Jessica enjoyed being a mom, but she had all of these skills that she wasn’t able to use. A fateful massage changed ev