Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 53: The Value of Being Intentional With Your Time as an Entrepreneur



After being let go from a job, Marisa Cali was essentially forced into entrepreneurship, and several years later she wouldn’t have it any other way. For this installment of Today’s Business Leaders, Marisa talks to Gabe about mistakes she made early on, how she responds when she receives ‘no’ as an answer, the value of referrals and more.Prioritizing Creative TimeInitially, Marisa was so caught up in working for her clients that she neglected her own marketing. She has now learned the importance of working on her own business and allowing herself the time she needs to be creative. “If you’re a creative person, it’s good to have that time [to create]. I think entrepreneurs are naturally creative, and sometimes our best ideas come to us at the most random times, so it’s good for us to make sure we fulfill that part of our being,” explains Marisa.Finding Her NicheMarisa was drawn to social media marketing and shortly landed a job handling the social accounts for a local soccer team. During her tenure with the te