Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 35: How to Use Failure to Become a Better Entrepreneur



Ausi Kimmons has had some exciting highs and disappointing lows over the course of her entrepreneurial career. From the value of rest and failure to the importance of focusing on her business in order to promote growth, Ausi shares her knowledge and lots of compelling and actionable advice while she chats with Gabe. Following Her Vision Ausi realized her entrepreneurial aspirations as a child and decided she wanted to start a business and help people. Life got in the way, and she ended up detouring from her plan, but given time Ausi came back to her initial vision. She and her husband opened a digital marketing company, and they soon learned how helping their clients may not always help their business. Focusing on Results When her digital marketing business first launched, things came together rather quickly. They brought on several clients, and they were working so hard to produce results for their clients that they failed to market their own company. When one of their major clients was sold, and the new